Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Today's article on Stock Expenses & what you can claim for tax example

Will be late.

Because I'm going to have a chat with someone this afternoon who has a background in product control.  And I'm going to think about what I was planning in the light of what she says about stock control - because to be honest, you need to have some stock control to be able to work out what has been used for tax purposes, so it can only help!

No featured seller, just a couple of pics of prototypes I'm thinking of developing into Valentine's cards - the first one is a Matchbook card, it opens up from the top like those little books of free matches you (used to) get from upmarket bars.  The second one is a tri-fold card with flowers sticking up on both sides so it looks great folded up and from both sides when opened - I'm thinking of using hearts instead of flowers on one style, and also flowers in pinks/reds on another style.


Heather Leavers said...

ooooh nice - I like the trifold!

Goblinf said...

You're not the only one nifty - as I write there's an huge piece of 300gsm/ 140lb Bockingford Watercolour paper sagging gently from the sheer volume of colour ladled onto it! Once it's dry it can be cut up and Trifold cards are in business... As flowers like the one pictured, and I'm going to try substituting flowers for hearts.

Thanks for the compliment though!